Welcome to Tokimeki Unfollow~

Do you think your feed sucks because you follow too many accounts? You're in the right place!

If you're like me, you've followed a bajillion accounts over your years on Twitter dot com. Some of them date back to your first days as an egg — when you were probably an entirely different human being. You have some socially-obliged follow-backs sprinkled among some thought leaders you've outgrown, but you've never found the energy to go through and clean up your follows.

Take a deep breath! Let's look at your follows together, one by one, and think about if each one still sparks joy, intrigue, inspiration, or is in any way still important to you. If not, hit that Unfollow button!

To get started, log in with Twitter:

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P.S. Tokimeki is the original word that was translated to 'spark joy' in English. 'Spark joy' doesn't fully capture the meaning, which is why there are all these caveats whenever someone explains it, like I'm doing here. Please treat this term as inclusive of anything you enjoy or feel is important to you. Also, KonMari (TM) is trademark of Marie Kondo, and this tool is not affiliated with, nor does it profit off the use of the brand.

P.P.S. This tool uses cookies and your browser's local storage to save progress. If you opt in, it also saves your 'keep' and 'unfollow' progress on the Glitch servers securely. If you do not wish to accept the use of cookies, do not use this tool. This tool uses your Twitter authentication to get your follows, their tweets, unfollow accounts, and create/manage lists. The code is open source and hosted on Glitch.

Made by Julius Tarng. Follow @tarngerine for more tools, games, and art!